Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well its official. Bella has croup. She has never had it before, and its horrible. She actually got it last week, and is feeling much better now, but this week has been a nightmare. The first night she was up most of it coughing. On Valentines day she woke up at 1 am coughing so much she vomited... twice. Then she went back to sleep (with no fever). Then at 2:30am she woke up crying and when I got her out of her crib she was burning up. I took off all her clothes and took her temp and it was 105 degrees! So Armando and I rushed her into emergency. She had to take a full dose of Tylenol AND Motrin to get the fever down. Then they gave her a breathing treatment (which she screamed through), then vomited again from being so upset. When she finally calmed down they came back in to give her a shot! So we didn't get home til 5:30am and Armando had to be at work at 7am. Shes getting better, but still gets bouts of coughing streaks which last up to 5 minutes... I feel so bad. We have the humidifier running all day and night, and keep her on Motrin, but i wish there were more i could do.... Any advice?


The Cahoons! said...

Sarah, Sarah! That is so horrible. I can't believe about her temperature being so high in such a short amount of time! That is so scary. I really hope she gets better soon so your life will get back to normal! Croup is the worst!

Grace said...

Oh nooooo! Jack got croup when he was a little younger than Bella's age and i think he got two or three times that year...we went through the same thing at the ER....awful! And he reacted the same way to the breathing treatment...Clint actually broke a sweat trying to hold him through the treatment... it was bad. We just got a nebulizer through our insurance the other day b/c we thought Jack had croup. I would call your pediatrician and see if they could get one for you. The next best thing is sitting in the bathroom and letting the shower run with hot water...the steam helps. We would just sit in the bathroom with jack a few times a day for about 10 min. and let him play with toys while he was breathing in the steam. I know its so hard! I hope she gets well soon...for your sake and hers!

Taryn said...

I am so sorry Sarah! The Croup is no fun. When my boys have had it we hang out quite a bit in the bathroom and with the water running hot and we just hang out. The other thing that might help is: